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Egypt - Pump price for gasoline

0.40 (US dollars per liter) in 2016

Gasoline price of Egypt sank by 54.55% from 0.88 US dollars per liter in 2014 to 0.40 US dollars per liter in 2016. Since the 63.33% jump in 2008, gasoline price plummeted by 18.37% in 2016.

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What is gasoline price?

Fuel prices refer to the pump prices of the most widely sold grade of gasoline. Prices have been converted from the local currency to U.S. dollars.

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What is Egypt gasoline price?

Date Value Change, %
2016 0.40 -54.55%
2014 0.88 95.56%
2012 0.45 -6.25%
2010 0.48 -2.04%
2008 0.49 63.33%
2006 0.30 7.14%
2004 0.28 47.37%
2002 0.19 -26.92%
2000 0.26 -10.34%
1998 0.29 0.00%
1995 0.29 -3.33%
1992 0.30

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