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Egypt - Receipts for passenger transport items in current prices

861,000,000 (US dollars) in 2017

Receipts for passenger transport items of Egypt soared by 30.26% from 661,000,000 US dollars in 2016 to 861,000,000 US dollars in 2017. Since the 20.72% drop in 2013, receipts for passenger transport items rocketed by 23.00% in 2017.

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What is receipts for passenger transport items?

International tourism receipts for passenger transport items are expenditures by international inbound visitors for all services provided in the international transportation by resident carriers. Also included are passenger services performed within an economy by nonresident carriers. Excluded are passenger services provided to nonresidents by resident carriers within the resident economies; these are included in travel items. In addition to the services covered by passenger fares--including fares that are a part of package tours but excluding cruise fares, which are included in travel--passenger services include such items as charges for excess baggage, vehicles, or other personal accompanying effects and expenditures for food, drink, or other items for which passengers make expenditures while on board carriers. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

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What is Egypt receipts for passenger transport items?

Date Value Change, %
2017 861,000,000 30.26%
2016 661,000,000 -20.55%
2015 832,000,000 7.91%
2014 771,000,000 10.14%
2013 700,000,000 -20.72%
2012 883,000,000 41.05%
2011 626,000,000 -43.35%
2010 1,105,000,000 10.28%
2009 1,002,000,000 -10.46%
2008 1,119,000,000 9.28%
2007 1,024,000,000 88.93%
2006 542,000,000

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