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Egypt - International tourism expenditures as a share of total imports

3.45 (%) in 2017

Tourism expenditures as a share of imports of Egypt sank by 46.25% from 6.42 % in 2016 to 3.45 % in 2017. Since the 13.60% jump in 2015, tourism expenditures as a share of imports plummeted by 35.57% in 2017.

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What is tourism expenditures as a share of imports?

International tourism expenditures are expenditures of international outbound visitors in other countries, including payments to foreign carriers for international transport. These expenditures may include those by residents traveling abroad as same-day visitors, except in cases where these are important enough to justify separate classification. For some countries they do not include expenditures for passenger transport items. Their share in imports is calculated as a ratio to imports of goods and services, which comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents of general merchandise, goods sent for processing and repairs, nonmonetary gold, and services.

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What is Egypt tourism expenditures as a share of imports?

Date Value Change, %
2017 3.45 -46.25%
2016 6.42 19.89%
2015 5.35 13.60%
2014 4.71 -5.63%
2013 4.99 13.09%
2012 4.41 5.22%
2011 4.20 -6.85%
2010 4.50 -17.55%
2009 5.46 8.32%
2008 5.04 -6.17%
2007 5.37 1.09%
2006 5.32

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