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Egypt - Tourism receipts as a share of total exports

20.2 (%) in 2017

Tourism receipts as a share of exports of Egypt shot up by 105.09% from 9.8 % in 2016 to 20.2 % in 2017. Since the 32.36% slump in 2013, tourism receipts as a share of exports soared by 33.87% in 2017.

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What is tourism receipts as a share of exports?

International tourism receipts are expenditures by international inbound visitors, including payments to national carriers for international transport. These receipts include any other prepayment made for goods or services received in the destination country. They also may include receipts from same-day visitors, except when these are important enough to justify separate classification. For some countries they do not include receipts for passenger transport items. Their share in exports is calculated as a ratio to exports of goods and services, which comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from residents to nonresidents of general merchandise, goods sent for processing and repairs, nonmonetary gold, and services.

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What is Egypt tourism receipts as a share of exports?

Date Value Change, %
2017 20.2 105.09%
2016 9.8 -46.45%
2015 18.4 8.52%
2014 16.9 12.31%
2013 15.1 -32.36%
2012 22.3 12.27%
2011 19.8 -28.95%
2010 27.9 5.93%
2009 26.4 19.24%
2008 22.1 -4.97%
2007 23.3 4.90%
2006 22.2

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