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Lao People’s Democratic Republic - Human development index

0.60 (score) in 2017

Human development index of Lao People’s Democratic Republic increased by 0.58% from 0.60 score in 2016 to 0.60 score in 2017. Since the 1.82% rise in 2007, human development index shot up by 15.36% in 2017.

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What is human development index?

A composite index measuring average achievement in three basic dimensions of human development—a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living. 1=the most developed.

What is Lao People’s Democratic Republic human development index?

Date Value Change, %
2017 0.60 0.58%
2016 0.60 0.75%
2015 0.59 1.22%
2014 0.59 1.29%
2013 0.58 1.77%
2012 0.57 1.87%
2011 0.56 2.25%
2010 0.55 1.31%
2009 0.54 1.93%
2008 0.53 1.44%
2007 0.52 1.82%
2006 0.51

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