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United States of America

  • President:Donald J. Trump
  • Vice President:Mike Pence
  • Capital city:Washington, D.C.
  • Languages:English 79.2%, Spanish 12.9%, other Indo-European 3.8%, Asian and Pacific island 3.3%, other 0.9% (2011 est.) note: data represents the language spoken at home; the US has no official national language, but English has acquired official status in 31 of the 50 states; Hawaiian is an official language in the state of Hawaii
  • Government
  • National statistics office
  • Population, persons:325,719,178 (2017)
  • Area, sq km:9,147,420 (2017)
  • GDP per capita, US$:59,532 (2017)
  • GDP, billion current US$:19,390.6 (2017)
  • GINI index:41.5 (2016)
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:6 (2017)

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