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Papua New Guinea

  • Governor General:Robert Bob Dadae
  • Prime Minister:Peter Paire O'Neill
  • Capital city:Port Moresby
  • Languages:Tok Pisin (official), English (official), Hiri Motu (official), some 836 indigenous languages spoken (about 12% of the world's total); most languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers note: Tok Pisin, a creole language, is widely used and understood; English is spoken by 1%-2%; Hiri Motu is spoken by less than 2%
  • Government
  • National statistics office
  • Population, persons:8,251,162 (2017)
  • Area, sq km:452,860 (2017)
  • GDP per capita, US$:2,556 (2017)
  • GDP, billion current US$:21.1 (2017)
  • GINI index:41.9 (2009)
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:109 (2017)

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